
My Favorite Day

Hello all! Well yesterday started out as... not my favorite day ever. It's "Boatnik" time of year around these parts, which is absolutely the last thing I want to be doing... it's sort of like the fair. But all about boats. And boat races. And things that aren't fun for anyone but my dad (who, by the way, designs and builds boats for a living). It also means that the trashy people of Southern Oregon all collect together in one park that's not nearly big enough for all of them. Oh yeah. And there's a parade.I typically make it up to Portland Memorial Day weekend so I don't have to deal with it all, but it just so happens I'm going up next week and couldn't do two weekends in a row.

After all that setup for the worst day ever, I had such a great time! I started with a very busy day at the boutique. There were so many great out-of-towners that I had a blast talking to. Then I went out to dinner at one of my favorite spots with my baby sister, where she told me that there was a PETTING ZOO at the park. I went bonkers. We rushed over, where I literally spent the rest of my evening. It was only $2 to stay as long as you wanted and I chose to stay until they closed. Mostly in thanks to the precious deer that followed me around chewing on my clothes and hair the entire time. It made my lifetime and totally confirmed my love for the beauties. Enough writing. Time for photos. Get ready for cuteness...

So cute, right?! It was such a blast. I think I'm going back tonight. Or tomorrow. Maybe all day :)

What I wore:

Tunic: Old Navy
Jacket: Element Anorak
Scarf & Necklace: My place of work
Bracelet: Aguiniga Design
Boots: Dolce Vita

xo, Bruklyn


Anna Wallace said...

so cute so cute so cute!!!

The Semi Sweet said...

Awww....cute photos!! I love petting zoos too. I don't think I'll ever out grow them, either:)

Janelle Haskin said...

Eee! Love those little goats, so cute!!!



Sheree said...

Cuteness indeed and incredibly sweet...I would sooo be giving kisses too!!

Jo - Lost in the Haze said...

Oh my goodness, it literally looks like the best day ever! <3 The animals are so cute! I love petting zoos! I always get so nervous feeding the bigger animals! Even horses! Haha!


AleksandraNajda.com said...

wow, it's so cute...