
Shop Update!

Hello all! I know I've been an awfully absent blogger lately, and I apologize! A combination of not having a computer, working and constantly being at the studio have kept me away, but enough excuses... here I am! My sweetheart sister offered to let me use her computer so I can get some Etsy listings happening and a couple of blogs done :)

All of these items should (fingers crossed) be coming into the shop over the next few days.

(click the item to be directed to the listing)

I'll be back tomorrow with a suuuper fun project to share with you :) Updates starting in about 20 minutes...

xo, Bruklyn


Jessica / Lola Vintage said...

Oooh that little green dress is perfect for St. Patty's day! Quite a nice variety of shoes here too!

Unknown said...

i agree with jessica!
love that dress.
and those clogs are super cute too